Archive for November, 2012

Progress Report – November 2012

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Just a quick post to let everyone know I’m beginning the process of readying the files for release. This generally goes pretty quick for Sc1 and 2, but Sc3 takes a bit more effort.

I will post the new patch for testing as soon as I get Sc1 and 2 ready (note the PD has been updated significantly as well). I will post again when this happens. Anyone is welcomed to load the new patch up to make sure everything is working correctly and/or verify if your issues have been fixed while I work on getting Sc3 ready.

Translator mr2dax is taking advantage of an educational opportunity in Japan and is not currently contributing. He and I both hope he finds time to resume his work on Sc2 in the near future. The project finds itself in a familiar position of having no dedicated translator once again…


legalize freedom!