SF3Patch Version 25 Released!

Hello Shining fans. The time has finally arrived. Modular patching implemented! You will now be able to tailor your experience in SF3. As it turns out, you CAN please everyone!

On behalf of Knight 0f Dragon and Rika, It’s my great pleasure to announce the release of V25 of the Shining Force III Translation Project. Download with the button to the right.

It’s a great time to be an SF3 fan. Not only do you get the translation, more polished than ever, an updated patch wizard, bug fixes, quality of life improvements and mods, but it’s all modular now. Pick and choose the exact combination of options for your playstyle and interests. I’m geeking out pretty hard.

Here are the descriptions of all the patches (old and new) contained in the V25 package
(minor spoilers throughout)
(* = new in V25):

General (additions and restorations)

English Translation                          Sc1
Updates the English Translation to be consistent with the other scenarios including proper nouns, improved descriptions and the intended ending. Also fixes a text bug in the catacombs in the PAL version.

English Translation                          Sc2, Sc3, PD
English Translation including all dialog, menus and needed text location adjustments.

English Artwork                               Sc1, Sc2, Sc3
Translates and/or updates the loading screen, title screen and chapter title images.

English Artwork                               PD
Translates and/or updates the loading screen, title screen and menu images.

GameShark Weapons                      All (currently only Sc1)
Currently only the Moogie Arrow is added, but the rest are coming soon!

Titan Defeatable with Orb               Sc1
This allows the Titan to be defeated outright (Elbesem Orb required) as in the Japanese version. Titan can still be defeated by normal means. This just provides the option.

*Silver Beak in Sc1                           Sc1
Adds ability to craft the Silver Beak. The associated special Penguin Flash isn’t available in Sc1, but it will provide the additional 10% crit you normally get with a fourth special.

Conrad HP                                        Sc1
Adjusts Conrad’s HP in Battle 20 to reflect his dire situation. No effect on gameplay.

PD Portraits Sc3
This replaces some of the less popular final promotion portraits with portraits from the Premium Disc. Portraits replaced: Synbios, Dantares, Irene, Julian, Medion, Edmund, Jane. Portraits do not yet have moving mouths.

Edmund Redemption Scene Sc3
-spoilers- Restores Edmund’s redemption scene if you spare Stella in Sc2 and defeat the Masked Monk boss in Battle 12 while Edmund yet lives.

60 Character Limit PD
Removes the 60 character limit for the Premium Disc, so additional characters may be added via gameshark.

Bug Fixes

Difficulty Fix                                     All
Properly orders the difficulty options from left to right and names them clearly. Standard, Hard, Harder, Insane.

Weapon Bonus Effects Fix               Sc1
Fixes weapon second and third bonus effects. This is a bug in the original game where only the first weapon affinity bonus worked. Now all intended Holy, Demon, etc. bonuses will be applied.

*Critical and Counter Fix                Sc1
Patches Sc1 to match Sc2 and beyond. Moves the 3% crit and counter from weapons to characters. Note in order to crit or counter, enemies and NPCs must have a special attack.

PCs with Enemy Weaknesses Fix   Sc1, Sc2
Characters would suffer enemy weaknesses because they shared IDs. Force members will no longer suffer these Magic, Holy and Demon penalties.

Elbesem Orb Fix                               Sc1
If Kahn’s inventory is full when the Elbesem Orb is returned to Synbios, the version of the orb would not be functional. This ensures a functional orb.

Storich Chicken Fix                          Sc1
A non-functioning chicken appeared in Storich HQ even when it hadn’t been earned. A secondary bug with Benetram showing up as the advisor in Vagabond on revisit instead of Palsis also fixed.

Ratchet Healing XP Fix                   Sc1
Ratchet no longer gets healer XP. Previously, Ratchet would get XP like a priest for healing and curing status effects.

Hagane MP Curve Fix                     Sc1
Previously, Hagane would get little or no MP when leveling up between levels 21-30 (he joins already promoted). Now he gets the proper gains.

Titan HP Fix                                     Sc1
This fixes a bug preventing the Titan’s arms from dying if their HP lands directly on 5000 or 4000.

Kraken Support and Slow Fix         Sc2, PD
Effect of Support and Slow restored for the Kraken’s head and arms. Previously, those enemies weren’t properly affected by Support and Slow (even though the legs were).

*Silver Ring 1.003 Fix                      Sc2
Depending on the events of Sc1 Battle 2, in Saraband you may get a Silver Ring. If not in Sc1, it will still be there in Sc2. This fixes an issue with Sc2 v1.003 where the ring doesn’t appear in HQ stash if everyone’s inventory is full.

*Sc1 Character Stats in Sc2 Fix      Sc2
-spoilers- Previously, during the final battle, the stats of the Sc1 enemies wouldn’t take their equipment into account until after their first turn. This fixes that, giving them accurate stats from the beginning.

Garosh Leveling Fix Sc3, PD
This fixes a bug causing Garosh to lose stats instead of gaining when reaching levels 20-29 after his final promotion.

Irene Healer XP Fix                         Sc3, PD
Irene now gets proper healer XP. Previously Irene would not get XP like a priest for healing and curing status effects after her final promotion.

Ruins of the Wise Reward Fix         Sc3
This fixes a bug where the Ruins of the Wise (commonly known as the Sc3 hero’s test) wouldn’t give reward item if the boss died on its turn (counter attack or poison damage). The item will now go to the hero.

*Dantares Paladin Sprite Fix          Sc3
Dantares’ overworld sprite didn’t update after final promotion. This uses the updated sprite from the PD in Sc3.

*Rogan Sprite Fix                            Sc3, PD
Fixes Rogan’s sprite so he is a working version capable of being added via gameshark.

*Jane Sprite Fix                               Sc3
Jane’s sprite updated to hold proper weapon.

Quality of Life

*Difficulty Options and Sound Test           All
Allows access to difficulty options and sound test without having completed the game.

Bookcase Ordered                            Sc2, Sc3
The Biographical Encyclopedia (commonly known as the bookcase) in HQ is now in alphabetical order.

*Reserves Available in Shops          Sc1
Patches Sc1 to match Sc2 and beyond. Allows access to reserve characters while in Shop menus including the Blacksmith.

*Show High HP                                 All
High enemy HP (600 and above) replaces ??? with actual value in the status menu and the target window in battle outside of combat.

*Haggle 75% Chance                       Sc1, Sc2, Sc3
Chance to haggle items in a shop increased to 75%. Choose only one haggle patch to avoid conflict.

*Haggle Items Become Deals           Sc1, Sc2, Sc3
Converts all “haggle” items into deals upon interacting with either shop keeper for the first time. Includes haggles from previous towns if applicable. Choose only one haggle patch to avoid conflict.

Irene Insane Buff                              Sc1
Saving Irene in Battle 6 on Insane difficulty was seemingly impossible. She will heal herself exactly once when her HP is low. A 15% land effect was also provided on the tile where she stands her ground. Active on all difficulties.

*Kahn Control in Graveyard              Sc1
Allows the player to control Kahn in Sc1 Battle 11 when he has to convert the Kyon-Shi.

*Penn Joins at Level 9                      Sc1
Penn joins at level 9 unpromoted (previously level 1 unpromoted). New game required.

*Penko Joins at Level 9                    Sc2
Penko joins at level 9 unpromoted (previously level 1 unpromoted) and starts at weapon level 1 (previously weapon level 0). New game required.

*Donhort Control in Sc2                    Sc2
Allows the player to control Donhort in Sc2.

*Jane Equipable in PD                       PD
Jane can unequip her Thunder Wand and equip a different weapon in the PD.


Enable Debug Mode                         All
Debug Mode will be available in the resulting game image. Used only for hacking. Engage community for more information. Should not be enabled if you are simply wanting to play the game. https://tcrf.net/Shining_Force_III/Debug_Mode

*Sc1 Character Weapons in Sc2     Sc2
-spoilers- Previously in the final battle of Sc2, Sc1 characters’ weapons were replaced with generic, less powerful ones. This keeps what they were equipped with at the end of Sc1 for a more honest, but challenging encounter.

These descriptions as well as full patching instructions can be found in the SF3 Patch V25 Read Me.pdf included with the patch.

Text and Dialog:

All Scenarios

  • Numerous small corrections across all scenarios.
  • Accessory type previously known as Circlet now called Tiara as a circlet is a type of tiara.
  • Steel Tiara now called Royal Tiara to more accurately reflect its quality.
  • Zero Wing special attack restored to Zero Count which was favoured over T Minus Zero.
  • Line breaks adjusted in the first priest line in the church.
  • Where needed, abbreviation for Attack in descriptions now Atk (previously Att).


  • The area previously known as Barrand North Plateau is now called Barrand North Highlands.
  • Likewise, the Ch3 ruin map now called Highlands Map (previously Plateau Map).


  • Grantack’s race updated in his bio. He is of the Dragonewt race (previously Dragonman which is a separate race).
  • -spoiler- Dialog cleaned up in and around Battle18 in the cave against the Baby Dragon and/or Arch Dragon.
  • Previously thought to be Pappets’ grandma, the sage in Pappets’ backstory now known as an old seeress of his home village, but of no relation (from specifics gleaned from his World Book profile). https://sf3transftp.shiningforcecentral.com/Images/SF3%20World%20Book/080.png
  • -spoiler- Dialog in Battle 24 cleaned up when Cyos is defeated before Dakka.
  • Dialog cleaned up when you meet the surviving refugees from Sc1 in Storich. Lots of combinations of survivors and the dialog can change based on who all survives.


  • Area descriptions updated to be in line with the other scenarios. A long time coming. Now areas are named according to their location as opposed to plot points. This is most visible when loading a record.
  • -spoiler- Clarity added to dialog surrounding the trials and the difference between an Innovator and a True Innovator.
  • Dialog in Aural village with Oneanera cleaned up.
  • The combined Holy and Dark Rivers now known as the Thousand Mile River (previously the River of a Thousand Miles which was a bit clunky)
  • Dialog in Bowlet Cabin HQ cleaned up.
  • Dialog in Dormant cleaned up including Turk and Orga lines and HQ.
  • Dialog around Remotest cleaned up including HQ.

The V25 patch file uses the Donhort icon to celebrate the ability to now control him in Sc2. It has also been added to the icons that come with the patch. Honorable mention to controlling Kahn in the graveyard. Some serious quality of life improvements with V25!

In addition to all these wonderful options, Rika is simultaneously releasing a mod pack. While these mods are outside of the scope of this translation and are not provided as a part of it, they are all gameplay changes that have been requested. Our team member Rika created these so you know they are quality. Instructions are included. You can reach Rika on our Discord should you have any issues or suggestions. Check back for updates and additional mods being added.

Please don’t hesitate to provide feedback in the usual places for any issues you find or any suggestions or comments you may have.

Shining Force Central Forum



legalize freedom!

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14 Responses to “SF3Patch Version 25 Released!”

  1. Joka says:

    Thanks for another great patch! I’ve been following your work for a little over 10 years now! Keep up the good work!

  2. bleubaron says:

    Just out of curiosity, did you guys alter the AI for the Elbesem Temple battle? How come only the Rainblood Queen retains her anti-Bulzome sect or Vandal property and she and only one other Rainblood ever seem to do anything? Its to the point where I can finish the battle before either Basanda or Dessheren are defeated. I’m guessing that’s the idea with the newer patches? So that the Rainbloods aren’t just standing there and we can make it safely to the lower level?… because watching both the priestesses whack the Rainbloods with sticks is amusing, but that grows redundant too.

    legalize freedom! edit:
    To my knowledge, nothing was done to the Rainblood AI or their properties, but I will ask the team and see if we can get to the bottom of it.

    While the AI remains unchanged (to my knowledge that’s kinda what they do. A couple go after the priests and the others derp around and/or head for the sides to rush the player after a few turns.) we did discover a problem with the PCs with Enemy Weaknesses bugfix patch that caused a handful of items (including the ones you mention) to not have proper bonus effects. Thank you for reporting! Fix has been posted here: https://sf3transftp.shiningforcecentral.com/V25+/

  3. Rae says:

    I am unable to get past the download .net pop up. I’ve downloaded, repaired, and reinstalled the version requested in the read me several times. What do.

    legalize freedom! edit:
    Please use the dotnet.bat file located on the FTP at https://sf3transftp.shiningforcecentral.com/V25+/
    That will solve your issue. This file can also be found on our Discord pinned in the #Translation channel.
    Windows always wants to get to the files first, which can cause a loop.

  4. Nick says:

    Hey again! Everything’s going great, so far, about to finish up disk 2. I’ve only come across one tiny typographical error. At the start of Chapter 6, the Emperor refers to the character as “Cyo’s”, instead of “Cyos’ ” for the possessive form. Thanks again for your top-notch work!

    legalize freedom! edit:
    I’m not able to find this error. You’ll have to give me a little more to go on. The couple of places I see where Domaric uses the Cyos’ form, it appears to be correct. Are you using V25? Discord is a more convenient place to report errors. Any time you do, please give me the contents of the line so I can properly search for it. Thanks for reporting!

    Thanks for posting a screenshot. Error found and fixed!

  5. HaywardFan says:

    Ahh, I’m sorry, I commented in frustration after believing I had lost my chance to get a certain character – not so. I was eventually able to find the Use Accessory option buried in the menu.
    Almost done with Scenario 2 now.. it’s just as good as it gets: a great translation and a terrific suite of quality of life mods to accompany that work as intended haha. Major thank you to all involved in the translation and mods~ I’m having a great first playthrough of all the scenarios!

    legalize freedom! edit:
    Glad to hear it! Elbesem says we should never comment in frustration. We say thank you for the kind words.

  6. HaywardFan says:

    For anyone who reads this, DO NOT use the Kahn control mod as it is. There is no option to use the orb that he uses normally in that battle on his own.

    legalize freedom! edit:
    I just used this and it worked perfectly (a dream come true in fact), so perhaps you just couldn’t find the Use Accessory command. It is located in the Equip menu.

  7. bleubaron says:

    Thank you as always for your continued work, translation team! I forgot about the other modular sections for Scenario 1 (my bad) and just finished it and am now in the process of applying the patch to Scenario 2. Now, just to be sure, when Penko joins at level 9, does that mean she gained +8 to all her applicable stats? Or is there an element of RNG there? Oh, and I have suggestion! For Scenarios 2 and 3, do you think you can make it to where the smithy will lock on to the person who has the mithril/etc when he asks you who he should make it for, instead of it going back to Medion every time? Just another QoL thing 🙂

    legalize freedom! edit:
    Levels are normally applied by the game as if they were leveling in the field. There is RNG in what stats are applied at each level. I’ll ask the smart people about your suggestion. That doesn’t sound easy. There are some blacksmith mods being developed though, to make that process friendlier.

  8. Nick says:

    Great Work! I’m running into a small issue in Scenario 1, and I’m not sure which option might be causing it. If I talk to Penn in the Headquarters, the game will softlock. And when Penn fights, sometimes the game will softlock as well, where he’ll attack, and then just sit there, bouncing a bit, the battle scene not coming to an end.

    The stuff related to Penn that I’m using is the start at level 9 option, as well as the Japanese Voices from the extra mod pack, maybe?

    Thanks for everything, all the extra stuff is working perfectly, otherwise!

    legalize freedom! edit:
    Yes, the Penn issues are due to the Japanese Voices mod. That has since been fixed. Get the latest version of the Extra Mods pack and re-patch. That should fix you up.

  9. Gaminator22 says:

    Wow very impressive.
    Last did a playthrough 7 years ago.
    Was awesome then, can’t believe it’s moved on so far.

    I remember chatting with Rika on the forum years ago and she mentioned work on a permadeath mod.

    Seems that’s not included which is a shame. Guess it never got completed.

    Still amazing work all

    legalize freedom! edit:
    Thanks for the kind words! Rika’s Permadeath mod is in the No Mix Extra Mod Pack available in the Mods folder of the FTP.

  10. SheldonZS says:

    This is awesome! I was a little worried that some of the QoL changes would alter the way the game is played, especially Donhort being controllable and the penguins joining at a higher level, but I love how every option is individually toggleable. Add in the extra mods such as the undub, and now I can make exactly the SFIII experience I want! Amazing job on an amazing mod!

  11. Knight0fDragon says:

    @Darkstorm, there is actually a possibility where you cannot save her. If you are unlucky enough to roll the worst stats, she dies 1 step too early.

  12. TBHonest says:

    Great to see! Been waiting for this before I finally did a full playthrough

  13. Darkstorm says:

    Congrats on the release to you and the team LF, the changes sound absolutely fantastic.

    I would just say that saving Irene on insane is technically possible iirc, though from memory you have to have Synbios or Masqurin at a low level to tempt being attacked instead of Irene at one point. Annoying enough that the heal buff will be appreciated though. 🙂

  14. breversa says:

    Oh my god, that’s AWESOME!!!
    I guess I’ll dust off my Saturn and start a new game! 😀

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