SF3Patch Version 11 Released!

I’m happy to announce the release of SF3Patch version 11! No more updating files!
Patches will be released at undetermined intervals, but I’m thinking every 6 months or so.

The new patch, which is currently available from the button to the right and the FTP, contains all of the custom title and loading screens. You’ll also find the instructions updated both in the included Read Me.doc as well as on the Patch Instructions page. I wanted to get more done for this occasion, but with so many people having issues with updating files lately, it felt like the right time.

Version 11 represents over 4 years of work (since I joined the project). To illustrate how far we have come, version 10 contained the premium disc and the first chapter of Sc2. Currently, all but the last chapter of the trilogy is in place (albeit without proper playtesting). I probably couldn’t even list everything that has been done. That’s the good news.

The bad news is this is not a victory dance. There is still much more work to do. The project is currently without a dedicated translator which will soon become an issue. The last 30 files of Sc2 and all of Sc3 is yet to be reviewed for accuracy. There is still much more to do on my end with inserting what has been reviewed and reducing file sizes to workable levels as well as the daunting task of a thorough playtest of the truly complete sections. There’s always version 12, right?

Thanks to everyone for all their contributions to get us to this point!

legalize freedom!

13 Responses to “SF3Patch Version 11 Released!”

  1. James says:

    Just want to drop a note to you guys, keep up the good work. I’ve been waiting for parts 2 and 3 since 1998. This is THE best tactical RPG ever made, so all your work is appreciated and will last forever!

  2. Drasgon says:


  3. legalize freedom! says:

    We will advertise when it is nearing beta.

  4. Grom says:

    This is a rather odd question, but have you guys tried to advertise the project on any major sites?
    Keep up the good work!

  5. Michael says:

    Thank you all so much for the hard work. Being able to play Scenario 2 in English has been amazing. You guys rock! Shining Force 3 forever! 😀

  6. Ben says:

    thanks!!! excellent job!

  7. Kristján Guðmundsson says:

    Thanks a bunch. The work you have put in to this makes me smile.

  8. Annarek says:

    my first experience with the series was back in 94 when i bought SF2, i had little knowledge of english back then but in order to fully understand the story i wanted to learn proper english. after 13 years when i finally got my hands on SF3sc2 and sc3 i came to think that i should start learning japanese to enjoy it! i indeed start learning the language till i found you guys here. i was so happy i could finally play this game in english. (that doesn’t mean i stopped studying japanese, though i am still not good enough to translate…) i really hope you finish this project soon enough and my help wont be needed cause i still have a long road ahead of me 🙂

  9. dan says:

    great job, really hope u get the support needed

  10. SegaSorcerer says:

    I literally have been waiting for this since 1998 (I was in the eighth grade at the time when my first import game ever, Shining Force III Scenario 2, came in the mail). To this day, Scenario 2 is my favorite game of all time and Shining Force my favorite series. Twelve years later, I really can’t believe this is all coming true. Looks like I’m gonna be playing through all three scenarios and the premium disc again here soon enough, all in English, the way I should have been able to play them over a decade ago!

    You people really are amazing. I know it’s said over and over but I just had to say it too!

  11. FireBladed says:

    Hello there!
    Having played the original european SF3 more than a decade ago it was the game that definately influenced my love for rpg and not surprisingly deeply marked my childhood.It made me want to learn english to understand it and it took some 5 times beating it to finnaly fully enjoy it.By the end of it I tought it ended weirdly but never crossed my mind there were 3 scenarios.When internet finnaly got widespread I got in touch with that reality but not happilly since I most certaintly did not know Japanese.
    So I waited all these years for all you and finally decided it was time to play it start to finish.
    Therefore I wanted to express my deepest THANKS to all you that made this translation possible.Last few days : ME -> back in childhood enjoying it:D:D:D!!!

  12. Omnibot2000 says:

    You and all of the people who are working on this projects are HEROES! Keep it up!

  13. Swalchy says:

    Awesome news!

    Even to an official playtester =P

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