Progress Report – Dec. 2011

Is the new year almost here already? Just a quick line to give everyone an update.

V13 is coming along, but not quite there yet. Might need an extra month.

So take January to get bored with all your new games and by February you’ll be ready to come back to SF3!


legalize freedom!

14 Responses to “Progress Report – Dec. 2011”

  1. swalchy says:

    By “we” Jokerx7 actually means “him” 🙂

    All credit goes to him on the figuring out what was causing the bug, and to Legalize Freedom for sorting it out 🙂

  2. Jokerx7 says:

    Actually… 1 and 2 are perfect. And they are working on 3. ^^
    And we fixed the error at the end of chapter 1 in scenario 3. It will no longer break. *-* And they spend a lot more time in Scenario 3 than 1 and 2 together.
    And Kyo, I don’t agree with you, translation errors are important too. The translation needs to be perfect.

  3. kyo says:

    Way more people care about scenario 3 than 1. Please cease working on 1 until 2-3 are perfect. Only weeaboos care about translation errors.

  4. Jokerx7 says:

    It’s not ready yet, but you can patch it with the test versions, that are actually, without any problem (already solved all). But the scenario 3 isn’t out yet. (Change the files in the patcher, and run the patcher)

  5. MART0R says:

    Where the patch? Its feb.

  6. startedWithPong says:

    Great Job!

    Playing those games is a long-time dream come true for me (I’m from germany)!
    Even though I was pretty much Nintendo oriented back in the days, I feel sad, for SEGA beeing no Console-Hardware-manufacturer anymore, even after they did so much right (imho – at least in Europe).

    Looking back, I guess it was the heavy “arcade” approach, and not enough RPG- or Action-Adventure-killer-apps, that made them fail (with their wonderful hardware), because the market was shifting … to HC-home playing .. or whatevs – just my 2 c.
    They were the pace-setters for console-online-gaming … (insert praise list here) … but it wasn’t good enough 🙁
    To end the whining: I recently read about the DC – only the good die young. Sad but true.

    Anyway – all the best for your project & looking forward to v1.3!

    *focuses all his strength to help and motivate the project* = )

  7. yoyo says:

    It’s February. I’m not back to sf :'(

  8. Synbios16 says:

    Excellent! I played through the entire series when patch v.12 came out, can’t wait to do it again with v.13!

  9. MART0R says:

    Hurry up, cant´t wait! Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy new year.

  10. Phoenixinashes says:

    I’ve been a huge fan of tactical rpgs ever since I got shining force when it was first released in the US. I find it sad they’ve not come to market more often. I went for about 8 years without checking in on this site, or anything shining- just holding onto my emulators and roms of Shining force 1 & 2. I was so excited to find out I could start playing the “one that got away”- Shining Force 3.

    …. If it’s any incentive, my birthday is January 10th, if you want to egg everyone on to get the latest work done! lol Thank you, though, seriously to all the dedicated people who’ve made it happen!

  11. Omnibot2000 says:

    Keep it up guys, you are heroes!

  12. Thomas says:

    THATS A FUCKING DREAM!!!! Many many thanks to all of you! I playes every Shining Force from the beginning… I had 1000 hours in by the dwares to get the best special weapons… And now after more then 10 years i can play the scenarios 2 and 3 🙂

  13. Whacka says:

    Looking forward to this!
    Nearly finished SC1 and figured I’d wait ’til V13 to get onto the next one!~

  14. dzn1 says:

    I wish I had some way to help you but I’m utterly useless with these things. You guys are doing a great job, literally making a dream come true for a lot of people. Thank you!

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