Progress Report – August 2017

Work continues incorporating reviewed lines and with the in-game review. The research for the Edmund/Produn storyline is being incorporated. There are lines that deal with this throughout the game and many were saying differing things. I believe it is all coordinated now.

I’ve also included an easter egg for David. I’m betting the vast majority of players don’t even know about this, but when you first make your way up to the Stump Skywalk and find David’s room, if you continue to knock on the door you get a pretty good gag. The last line which continues to repeat was an uninspired “He appears to be busy”, so that seemed like a great place to give a nod to the real Hedva and David. I fashioned a music note in one of the unused text character slots and included some lyrics to their very famous song “I Dream of Naomi” as if you could hear him singing through the door. I’ll try to get a video up of the entire gag at some point.

As usual I plan to begin preparing the files for release in October and release test files around the beginning of November with this year’s official release coming in the first week or two of December.

Our favorite translation project continues to be more visible in the public arena. I was contacted by Kevin Wong, a contributor to several gaming websites who was interested in doing an article about our project. I gladly answered his questions and provided what I could. It came out a bit too much about me for my taste personally, but I understand the desire to humanize these things. I certainly appreciate the promotion of the project and thanked Mr. Wong for taking an interest. The article is now live at Zam, a fairly new gaming news site. Check it out!

We have a new entry with an LP that started not long ago. Zanon is currently in Sc1 Ch4 and is posting at a nice rate. This will be the LP for purists that prefer to experience the game without commentary. I understand this LP will be taking a different path than most by using Jade and Edmund among other things. Thanks for the LP Zanon!

Keep up with this and all the featured LPs on the Media page.

The next time you hear from me I will be posting V19 test files!

Until then,


legalize freedom!

5 Responses to “Progress Report – August 2017”

  1. Zanon says:

    Yeah this is me, whom is still going through the game!

    I’ve had a few issues a couple of weeks in but I am planning on resuming the game. Sadly I lost the files I had for Scenario 2 (Recordings, save and Burnt Images to run in the emulator), but I will resume once I am able to. I will be using V19 instead for Scenario 2, seeing Scenario 1 I have all the recordings in V18 and it’s fully complete.

    I know. Almost a year later. But I will put it up! Thank you for the shoutout \o/

  2. sola6loria says:

    It’s incredible that you guys are still going with this. My inner child is forever grateful.

  3. RKane909 says:

    Hey, thanks for keeping this whole thing going man. Was a huge SF1 & SF2 fan from back in the day and had always wanted to play SF3 but always avoided it because I never thought I’d have a reasonable opportunity to play all the scenarios. You and the translation community have come through in a big way and have spurred me into a deep dive into retro console gaming which has been hugely satisfying. Again, thanks for all the hard work. Keep it up!

  4. dredogg504 says:

    thanks a million on making this possible i luv this game alot this group is amazing on what you all have done

  5. Omnibot2000 says:

    … and you are still working on it. You are awesome. Thank you very much.

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