SF3Patch Version 14 Test Files Posted

SF3Patch V14 test files have been posted to the FTP. These files are virtually complete and ready for release including Sc3. I will continue to implement some last minute things and address any problems found for a couple of weeks.

Everyone is welcomed to load these up to make sure everything is working and to verify any issues you have submitted have been taken care of. There may be some that I haven’t gotten to yet, but I would still like a reminder about them if you submitted them. The sooner the better so that I may get them in this release.

This V14 test package is located on the FTP here:

http://sf3transftp.shiningforcecentral.com/SF3Patch-V14TEST.exe – old link

Please report any problems to this SFC forum thread:



legalize freedom!

6 Responses to “SF3Patch Version 14 Test Files Posted”

  1. Lorac says:

    You guys have shown us a level of dedication few fan translators will ever be able to match 🙂 Thank you for all your great work!

  2. Omnibot2000 says:

    Happy new year and please keep up the great work!

  3. Phil says:

    Thanks a lot for your hard work, it’s very impressive! I played a huge part of scenario 1 a long time ago but didn’t even finished it because I was disgusted that scenarios 2 and 3 were in Japanese only. I’m looking forward to burning all the discs and playing them in a language I can understand (even if English is not my native language)! Is it possible already or are there still a few parts in Japanese and I should wait for a future update?
    Anyway, thank you very much! That’s so great!! 🙂

    legalize freedom! edit:
    It’s all in english, it just isn’t perfect yet, particularly Sc3. If the mood is striking you, the official release of V14 will be an excellent time to dive in!

  4. Shane says:

    Ripper Rita! What a Christmas present! 🙂 Thanks to all for your hard work and determination 😀

  5. Pedro says:

    My God, you guys are the best!! I bought a Sega Saturn just to play this trilogy and it all thanks to you guys that translated the games very professionally that I can enjoy it! Finished Scenario 2 yesterday and now I’m on to SC3.

    Many thanks again, I don’t regret one bit having bought a Saturn for it now!

  6. Adailton says:

    Yes!!! A happy christmas with shining force 3 it’s comming, thanks for the hard work. =D

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