SF3Patch Version 17 Test Files Posted

The SF3Patch V17 test files have been posted to the FTP. I will take feedback for about a month before posting the official V17 release.

I encourage everyone to test this new version and let me know if you have any issues. Many issues that have been submitted will be incorporated over the next month. This test period is primarily to be sure there are no major issues such as crashing.

The V17 test package is located at the typical location on the FTP. You can download with the button to the right.

Please report any issues with these test files to this SFC Forum Thread.


legalize freedom!

2 Responses to “SF3Patch Version 17 Test Files Posted”

  1. Adailton says:

    Testing… Thank’s. =)

  2. Roberto says:

    Thanks, I was checking the updates almost daily and the patch finally came!
    I’ll test it and feedback you if needed, I finished Scenario 1 and I was waiting for V17 to be released!

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