Author Archive

Progress Report – May 2017

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

Thanks again to everyone who supported the project’s presence at Retropalooza Houston 2017!
It was a great experience. See the posts below for more information.

I’m currently back to incorporating reviewed lines in Sc2 where I’m in Ch5. I’m also plodding ahead with the Sc2 comprehensive in-game review, currently in Ch4.

As some of the SF3 Let’s Plays are coming to an end, I’ve been able to catch the worst of the errors and oddities in Sc3, particularly at the end. Thanks to the LPer’s for playtesting. You are making a real difference in the next patch!

Speaking of incorporating reviewed lines, we currently find ourselves without a dedicated translator, so now is the time to volunteer if you are qualified or get the word out to any qualified translators you may know. A couple of translators are available when I have specific questions, but we really need someone to be more involved.
In case some of you may not recall, we are currently reviewing near the beginning of Sc3, but Sc3 will be a bit different because close to half of the lines have already been reviewed (because they were initially missing) and so we just need to fill in the blanks. Also in case you don’t recall, we made an effort to document all the needed lines in the form of in-game images to make it easier for the translators to work. Volunteers please contact me on the Credits and Contact page or post in the forum if you are a SFC member.

And finally, thanks once again to all the Let’s Players for entertaining us, making the Shining Force III Translation Project more visible and providing some valuable play testing to aid the project. Follow the featured LPs on the Media page.

Until next time,


legalize freedom!

Retropalooza Booth Video!

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

I put together a short video highlighting the various elements of the SF3 Translation Project booth at Retropalooza Houston 2017.

We will also be discussing my experience on the forum here:




legalize freedom!

Retropalooza Video!

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

The looping video to be used for the big screen at this weekends Retropalooza Houston (Apr 22-23) has been posted!

Big thanks to ProDaKah! for volunteering to take care of this. It came out great!

It will live in perpetuity on his channel. We wanted to release it before the actual show for all the dedicated Shining People to enjoy.


I would also like to announce I will be giving away 2 sets of Sc2 and Sc3 original games during the convention! One set each day by drawing. Must be present to win.

There is still time to help support our presence at Retropalooza Houston. See previous post for particulars.

Thank you ProDaKah!


legalize freedom!

Fundraising for Retropalooza

Friday, January 27th, 2017

Those interested in donating to offset the cost of the SF3 Translation Project’s presence at Retropalooza can do so through this link:

I decided to go with PayPal. It may be the least flashy, but it’s easy and I don’t anticipate this being a big operation.


The Shining Force III Translation Project has always been and always will be a volunteer effort that has refused donations from supporters, so it is a little awkward to now be fundraising for this event, but I think it makes sense in this situation. I have put countless hours and resources into this project personally and I’m not interested in profiting from this event. On the contrary, I will be committing a tidy sum to make it happen.

I want to explain what the funds are being raised for and where they will go. Many of the amounts aren’t known currently, but will be filled in as things come together. Many of these items could be reused for future events as well.

$130 Retropalooza booth (with electricity)
$100 Full Colour Banner (8′-0″x 3′-0″)
$100 Business Cards (1000 Front and Back with metallic finish)
$100 Game Stations and Tablecloths
$100 Big Screen mobile stand
$80  Game Giveaways

Using my own
48″ TV (for big screen video, buying new for this event, but I will use it afterwards)
40″ TV (for hardware setup, buying new for this event, but I will use it afterwards)
27″ Computer monitor (for emulation setup)
Computer (for emulation setup)
Laptop Computer (for big screen video)
Modded Saturn (for hardware setup)

I don’t know what the total will be and probably won’t until it is done, but any remaining funds will go to the SFC annual beg for site hosting.

Thank you in advance for your support!


Update (March 14):
All the major pieces are in place for the big day. The new TVs, mobile stand, banner, business cards and game stations are all in hand. Over the next couple of weeks I’m going to test the hardware setup and take care of some minor stuff. That’s about all that’s left on my part until the week of.

Big thanks to Special T for once again coming through for the SF3 Translation Project! He’s always there when image work is needed. Special T produced the images used for the banner (which is a re-creation of the official site header) and the business cards. The cards feature the SF3 logo with lightning and a stylish “Translation Project” text on a black background. On the back are the two website urls (SFC and this site). Everything came out really good! I’ll be posting some pictures soon!

Huge thanks to ProDaKah! for volunteering to capture and produce the video to be shown on the big screen during the event. This will feature several dialog sections as well as many spells and specials. ProDaKah! plans to be done with the capturing in a couple of weeks, leaving a couple of weeks for production. Truthfully, this requires the most effort out of anything and I REALLY appreciate ProDaKah! taking it on! We will have a much better showing because of his efforts. Thank you, ProDaKah!

And finally, I would like to thank everyone who has donated so far! We definitely have enough to cover the booth fee already! Thanks everyone for helping out!


legalize freedom!

SFIII Translation at Retropalooza!

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

I’m excited to announce the Shining Force III Translation Project will have a booth at the upcoming Retropalooza Houston on April 22-23, 2017!

I would like to invite anyone interested and able to attend. It would be really nice to get a few SF3 fans out to show support and maybe help watch the booth. The ultimate would be if we could get three people to cosplay the heros 🙂

We’ll see what all is possible, but I’m planning to have 2-3 screens. One large one with a looping video and two with live gameplay. One will be emulated and one using a Saturn. And of course a banner and some cards to give away.

In order for all this to happen, I’ll need a bit of help. I’m hoping someone is interested in editing together a video or two. A design for the banner and cards will also be needed. I’m considering doing some fundraising to help offset the cost, but I haven’t decided how to go about that yet. Stay tuned.

Tickets are only $20 for both days, so you are primarily looking at travel and hotel expenses. I can help advise on that if you are on a tight budget. Please contact me or post in the FORUM if you are interested and able to attend.


legalize freedom!

SF3Patch Version 18 Released!

Monday, December 19th, 2016

V18 is here! Download from the button to the right.

Please report any issues on the FORUM.

In addition to the many corrections and improvements made throughout, these items will be the most visible.

  • Battle and search messages made consistent in present tense
  • Some battle messages made clearer (charmed in particular)
  • Friendship bonuses given more descriptive names (Crit Evade vs Succumb) and better descriptions
  • Ruin Maps given identifiable names and descriptions based on feature and location.
  • Permanent increase items given better descriptions
  • A few special attacks renamed for various reasons (Flash Kill, Chaos Cauldron, Penguin Butt)
  • Tybalts special attacks in the final battle of Sc2 corrected
  • Names of Pappets’ beasts corrected
  • Names of Domaric’s security detail renamed to Royal Guard to differentiate from Spiriel’s White Knights
  • Three ninjas in Sc3 battle 13 given descriptive names (Rin Ninja, Zai Ninja and Jin Ninja). For more information on what these mean, search the internet for “ninja hand signs”.
  • Several entries in the bookcase (both Sc2 and Sc3) corrected and/or improved
  • Cutscene from the end of Sc2 and the beginning of Sc3 (on the ship) coordinated
  • Hero meeting 4 (on the bridge) coordinated in Sc3
  • New patcher (SF3TranslationPatcher.exe) included and documented in the Read Me as well as on the Patch Instructions page

Sc2 is now ready for beta through the beginning of Ch4.



legalize freedom!

SF3Patch Version 18 Test Files Posted

Thursday, October 27th, 2016

The SF3Patch V18 test files have been posted to the FTP. Grab them with the button to the right as usual.

A separate package has been posted for the new patcher if you prefer or need that one.

Please try them out and report any issues in the forum HERE.

This is the first version where the new compressor has been used. All appears to be working smoothly, but there is always potential for issues when something new is introduced.

Work will continue over the next month or so before the official release, so be sure to update again next month.

More Let’s Plays on the way! Along with the three other ongoing LP’s, BlueAnkylo is blazing along. After starting his LP in Sep, he has already progressed to Sc2. He brings some light voice acting into the mix for yet another enjoyable LP. I have also heard that a couple more LP’ers plan to start up after V18 goes live, so look for them soon. I plan to add these to the media page as they progress.


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – September 2016

Wednesday, September 14th, 2016

The process of preparing the game files for V18 is underway. The plan is to release test files around the first week of November. Then allow for around a month test period before officially releasing V18 in early December.

Thank you for your continued feedback on the forums regarding various issues or changes that pop up. It looks like Flash Kill has won out for the Assassin Knife special name. It is fitting. Friendship and ruin map names and descriptions got a good pass through this time and I believe will be easier to understand.

The LPs continue to impress. Marauder EX is in the last chapter (6) of Sc2. RichterBelmont12 is in Ch4 of Sc3. DaTruth DT is in the first chapter of Sc2. Check the Media page for links. Thanks for your effort guys! (and thanks for being playtesters ;-))

The next time you hear from me there will be shiny new V18 files to play with!


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – June 2016

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

Hello Shining Fans!

Just a quick update to let you know what is going on.

We have reached a great milestone! Tasia (noted as Kaivokz on the credits page) has finished the review of Sc2! Even better news than that is she plans to continue to contribute with the Sc3 review! This is fantastic news for the translation project! Thank you for your continued contribution, Tasia!

Before I continue the polishing of Sc2 and incorporating the remaining Sc2 review, I plan to focus on the newly reviewed Sc2 ending. It ties in with the events at the end of Sc1 and needs to be coordinated and polished as a priority.

I’m playing Sc3 for the first time! While thoroughly enjoying myself, my purpose is to correct anything that is severely lacking or just plain wrong in the process. I’ll probably also try to polish the Sc3 opening scene, at least partially in anticipation of the current Let’s Play’s making it to Sc3 in the near future. The Sc3 dialog has not gotten very much love to date. It’s there and you can follow what is happening, but it will require a lot of work that most certainly won’t happen before the LPs reach it, but I wanted to make sure there weren’t any really bad spots.

Speaking of, thanks for the feedback on the Sc3 issues posted in the forum. There are some really good suggestions. Many of which are not being considered due to length. Please continue to post suggestions if you have them. The ninja hand sign names I mentioned as favorites fit well and are particularly attractive because they are so short while still having a lot of character. And for Rollie’s attack, I’ll go with Unicorn Buck for now and see how that looks in game.

The SF3 Let’s Plays continue to showcase the translation and provide excellent entertainment. Marauder EX is currently in Sc2 Ch2 while RichterBelmont12 is in Sc2 Ch5. But wait! We have a new LP as well. DaTruthDT is currently up to Sc1 Ch3. He has a smooth and candid commentary style. Check him out!

I have added the RichterBelmont and DaTruthDT LPs to the media page. I recommend you check them all out as they scratch different itches for SF3 fans.


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – March 2016

Friday, March 11th, 2016

I hope everyone is enjoying V17!

The big news since the last update is the development of a new patcher! After issues began to arise with Windows 10 and the Isomaker program, Knight 0f Dragon began working on a new custom patcher. It is still in development, but is functional and available so try it out, particularly if you are having issues. You can get it in the main directory of the FTP, tentatively named Unzip it anywhere. I’m posting this on the FTP for those who are having issues and/or simply want to try it out and give feedback. If you are interested in or want to comment on the code, Knight 0f Dragon has also posted a version that includes everything.

The new patcher automagically detects the disc in your physical drive (virtual drives not yet supported, but planned) and asks you to verify the scenario you want to patch. There is also an option to include paul_met’s excellent resolution mod which slightly increases the resolution and removes the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. PAL versions of Sc1 are currently not supported, but that is planned. Other functionality is also planned. For more information about the new patcher, you can follow its progress in the forum.

In other exciting news, the SF3 Let’s Play’s featuring V17 of the translation patch are in full swing:

Marauder EX is doing a great job of showcasing the translation, primarily the storyline dialog. He is currently nearing the end of Sc1. His Let’s Play is now featured on the Media page. I will also be providing him the latest files as he makes his way to Sc2.

RichterBelmont12’s Let’s Play is currently at the beginning of Sc2. This one doesn’t focus much on the dialog, so I’m not planning to feature it on the Media page, but these guys are entertaining.

On the progress side, I’m currently focused on polishing Sc2 Ch3. I’m trying to get as much polished as I can before Marauder EX reaches this point.

Until next time!


legalize freedom!