Archive for the ‘General’ Category

SF3Patch Version 14 Test Files Posted

Monday, December 10th, 2012

SF3Patch V14 test files have been posted to the FTP. These files are virtually complete and ready for release including Sc3. I will continue to implement some last minute things and address any problems found for a couple of weeks.

Everyone is welcomed to load these up to make sure everything is working and to verify any issues you have submitted have been taken care of. There may be some that I haven’t gotten to yet, but I would still like a reminder about them if you submitted them. The sooner the better so that I may get them in this release.

This V14 test package is located on the FTP here: – old link

Please report any problems to this SFC forum thread:


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – November 2012

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Just a quick post to let everyone know I’m beginning the process of readying the files for release. This generally goes pretty quick for Sc1 and 2, but Sc3 takes a bit more effort.

I will post the new patch for testing as soon as I get Sc1 and 2 ready (note the PD has been updated significantly as well). I will post again when this happens. Anyone is welcomed to load the new patch up to make sure everything is working correctly and/or verify if your issues have been fixed while I work on getting Sc3 ready.

Translator mr2dax is taking advantage of an educational opportunity in Japan and is not currently contributing. He and I both hope he finds time to resume his work on Sc2 in the near future. The project finds itself in a familiar position of having no dedicated translator once again…


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – September 2012

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Currently the plan is to release V14 sometime around the end of the year. There have been a ton of improvements since the last release and I want to get them out to everyone.

Synbios16 has wrapped up Sc2 in his video playthrough and is just beginning Sc3. My review is lagging behind a bit due to more pressing needs, but I would at least like to finish reviewing the Sc2 vids before the next release.

Looks like the Sc1 beta test will have to wait a while longer. It’s not critical at the moment and I want to continue to make progress in the other scenarios, particularly Sc3, since it still needs quite a bit of work.

There are still several files remaining on my Sc3 proper noun review. I will be getting to these in the short term ahead of Synbios16.

I have put in a lot of work on the bookcases. Sc3 is in place and is ready to be tested in game. During the process of putting the Sc3 bookcase in, I made some adjustments to the Sc2 entries. There were also a couple of blanks left to be filled in in Sc2. I’m currently reviewing the Sc2 bookcase in game and then I’ll move on to Sc3. I’m going to try to visit every location where there is a bookcase to check all the entries.

mr2dax continues to make progress on the translation review of the remaining Sc2 files. Can you imagine a finished Sc2? mr2dax is bringing it closer to reality.


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – July 2012

Friday, July 6th, 2012

Just a quick update to let everyone know the items from the last report are still ongoing.

Synbios16 is nearing the end of Sc2 in his playthrough vids and I’m not too far behind him with my review.

Palpatine has finished translating the Sc3 bookcase entries and I have been getting those ready for consumption.

We have a new translator volunteer on board! SFC member mr2dax is currently reviewing the remainder of Sc2.


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – May 2012

Saturday, May 12th, 2012

I hope everyone is enjoying V13. I would like to catch everyone up with what is going on.

Just in general, I have been taking in the videos Synbios16 is making and supporting him in that effort. Not only is he identifying problem areas as a discerning English speaker… I’m using his vids as a playthrough check as well. In a relatively short amount of time I have been able to review where he has been. His effort is allowing me to make many, many corrections.

I’m planning to put a call out for Sc1 beta testers, including reaching out to those of you who have volunteered for testing in the past. I will be giving the event trees a final review to determine how many testers are needed. Hopefully by the next progress report this process will be underway.

Sc2 has been the primary target for corrections and updates using the playthrough vids.

I am doing a proper noun review for Sc3. I’m about half-way finished with that. Member Palpatine continues to work on translating the Sc3 bookcase entries. He is approximately 3/4 finished. I plan to have the Sc3 bookcase completely finished for V14.

The Premium Disc has been updated to bring it in line with the other scenarios. First time it has seen an update in several years I believe. There are also a couple of image changes… Special T is on board for those. PD players will see big improvements and consistency with the other scenarios in V14.

Until next time,


legalize freedom!

SF3Patch Version 13 Released!

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

I’m overjoyed to inform everyone the new patch is ready! V13 is now available from the button to the right and the FTP.

The delay was primarily due to a great response by Jokerx7 and others to test the V13 files. This is generally just a spot check to verify everything is working correctly before release. Once I realized I was getting a full playthough test, I wanted to take advantage of the extra effort and provide the result in V13. Big thanks to Jokerx7 who not only did a full playthough, but figured out what was causing the crash in Sc3 at the end of Ch1. The crash is no more!

Don’t overlook the icons I’ve included this time. These were created by Special T who is our go-to image editor. They work really well for emulator shortcut icons. Thanks for those Special T!


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – Feb 2012

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

I would like to start by apologizing for the delay in releasing V13. A couple of things have happened that have increased the scope of the patch, however V13 is shaping up to be very meaningful.

We are getting a significant playtesting effort from member Jokerx7 which is of great benefit. Oh, by the way, Jokerx7 also put in the effort to hunt down the cause of the Sc3 end of Ch1 freeze. Can’t thank you enough for that. We now have no patch related game freezes to my knowledge.

Being as this is taking longer than expected, I wanted to get the V13 files out for everyone to use in the meantime. They have been posted in the main FTP directory. You can update your files like in the old days by replacing the s1, s2, s3 folders in the SF3Patch/Files directory. Just keep in mind, we are still working through some things.

I can’t say exactly when everything will be ready to go, but hopefully everyone will enjoy the preview until then. You can follow the daily progress in this thread.


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – Dec. 2011

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

Is the new year almost here already? Just a quick line to give everyone an update.

V13 is coming along, but not quite there yet. Might need an extra month.

So take January to get bored with all your new games and by February you’ll be ready to come back to SF3!


legalize freedom!

Progress Report – Oct. 2011

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

The first announcement is that all progress reports will now be delivered here on the official site in this format. The old forum Progress Report thread will remain, but will no longer be updated.

As the release of V13 continues to draw closer, I’ll begin with everything that has been done or is in the process of being done for this release.

  1. All names are in their final resting places.
  2. The other name slots are being used to help reduce file size and increase the available length of the chapter endings (primarily Sc2 since Sc3 uses all the name slots).
  3. All chapter endings inserted.
  4. Insert all the translation reviewed Sc2 content (through section 5-1) and give the rest a proofreading review.
  5. Insert the final area of Sc3.
  6. Proper noun review for Sc1 and Sc2. (making sure proper nouns are used and capitalized correctly and consistently)
  7. Prepare Sc1 for beta testing.

Everyone should be aware of the consequences of item 1. There were a couple of name slots that were not consistent through the three scenarios. Generally speaking a character’s name used a different slot in one scenario than in another.

I have made all the name slots consistent, but  the catch is that names are saved with the save file. That’s why you get english names for the Sc1 characters when you start Sc2 from a completed english Sc1 complete file.

If you load a save game started from the original or a previous patch, you may experience some name switching. There are two solutions to this. 1. Start a new game. 2. Use BoneIdol’s SF3 Save Editor to change the affected names to their correct values.

Now for the stuff I still want to get done before releasing V13.

  1. Still need the Sc3 chapter endings.
  2. A couple of files remain to complete the proofreading review referenced in item 4 above.
  3. The Sc1 proper noun review is being completed in conjunction with my playthrough to prepare it for beta. The Sc2 files after 5-1 are being done with the proofreading review. The rest of Sc2 will follow.
  4. I will continue to make progress on my Sc1 playthrough and get as many chapters ready for beta as I can for this release. My goal is to finish Sc1, but I’m not going to delay the release to that end. Currently chapters 1-3 have been completed and I’m near the end of chapter 4. After V13 is released, I will begin to assemble the Sc1 beta test team.

I will say in general this will be a Sc1 and Sc2 focused release. I’m currently thinking V14 will include the Sc3 proper noun review and the preparation of Sc2 for beta testing.

Special T has finished the cd images and we are currently working through the dvd box cover, credit list for the back of the world map and certainly not least, a logo for the SF3 Translation Project. I believe these represent the last of our image work, although, I’m planning to commission an artist for the front of the dvd cover, so I wouldn’t expect it to be completed for some time. He has also put some nice icons together for us and I will be including these in the V13 patch install. Just change your SSF icon and point to the one(s) you want to use.

Look for V13 around the first of the year!


legalize freedom!

SF3Patch Version 12 Released!

Monday, January 10th, 2011

It’s my pleasure to report V12 is ready to go and is available from the button to the right and the FTP.

The big thing is the insertion of the final part of Sc3. There should be no japanese or placeholders remaining in the game once patched. Limited work has also been done on the Sc3 bookcase, but don’t expect it to function correctly just yet.

Several small issues were taken care of including some of the battles where it would crash or act crazy upon a enemy’s turn where the name was missing. A large number of Sc3 files in particular had to be reduced in size, some by large amounts, so I had to take out some things that aren’t used. In some cases, I guessed wrong. Continue to post these types of issues if they turn up.

Thanks to everyone for getting the word out about our translator needs. Unfortunately, the project continues to need assistance finding qualified and willing japanese to english translators.

legalize freedom!